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Hey Kat,


I get what you're saying and if you read my article, I wasn't condoning having sex right away. I think it's commendable to wait, but I'm a realist--and I'm not the only one.


I think it's okay to have sex as soon as you're ready and I think most adults are ready before the three month deadline.


I personally don't know anyone who succeeded with the 90 day rule--and I also personally think more people should embrace their sexuality and if you find that person--why wait 90 days?


You can a wait a week or 200 days...but as long as you set your own rules, that's what matters.


+5IceQueen's avatar

IceQueen· 12 weeks ago


I agree with having sex when you are ready too, the 3 month rule seems like it is about the man rather than you as a woman.

Women think waiting 3 moths the man will "respect" them, will "wife" them blah blah. A man can wait but could be sleeping with other women whilst he is waiting, he could wait and then dump you when he gets what he wants...waiting is no guarantee for anything

Tags: Hej, The Things Women Say That Piss Off Men